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3 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Mentalist

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

Brian Curry A Good Liar with Illusion Background

You are reading this for one of several reasons. You are looking for something to make your event stand out and enjoyable or you simply enjoy having an amazing time! Let’s find out why you should hire a mentalist for your event.

Reason 1 to Hire a Mentalist: Laughter

Laughter adds to your quality of life and improves your health. You’re welcome. If you don’t like to laugh, then move along Ebenezer. I think there are some kids on your lawn you can shout at. Lighten up the mood and have a good laugh while enjoying a mind-blowing mentalist.

Do you remember a time when you laughed hysterically and didn’t enjoy yourself?

No you don't, because that doesn’t happen.

man in white shirt laughing hysterically

Reason 2 To Hire a Mentalist: Audience Enjoyment

You want your audience to have a great time at your event. Give your guests a surprise that they will be talking about for years to come!

I don’t know about you, but I struggle sitting through all-day meetings. A mentalist will be a mental break and will energize your audience. It adds a shot of espresso to your meetings!

woman and others at table in office laughing and clapping

Reason 3 to Hire a Mentalist: Audience Engagement

Mentalism is one of the most interactive forms of entertainment. The performer will read your mind, predict your actions and basically be professionally awesome. It’s impossible to not engage in a mentalism show. Your guests and their thoughts are really the stars of the show. And who doesn't love being the star of the show? Nobody, that’s who.

men and women holding speech bubbles

Are you ready to hire a mentalist for your event?

To see a live magic or mind reading show in the DC area, click here for a list of upcoming show.



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