The Best Lies of 2024
As 2024 comes to a close, I'd like to take a moment to celebrate some of my favorite lies of the year.
Best Lie in Politics
"We're working together across the aisle for the good of the people." -Every politician ever.
Best Lie in Music
"I never liked Kanye." - Me.
Best Lie in Parenting
"I'm going to bed." - My daughter. Every night.
Best Lie in Sports
"Raygun wins the break-dancing Gold Medal!" - Public Opinion.
Best Lie in Marriage
"You're aging gracefully." -My wife.
Best Lie in Customer Service
"Your call is important to us..." - I'm looking at you AT&T!
Best Lie in Travel
“It’s only a 10-minute delay.” United Airlines
Best Lie in Technology
“I read all the terms and conditions.” -Everyone
Keep the good work and I look forward to wading thru the best lies of 2025!